

F#でテトリス。VS2010 RCまたはVS2010評価版で動くソースです。









namespace TetrisLibrary
open System
open System.Collections.Generic 
open System.Linq 

type tetType =
 | n = 0x0000
 | i = 0x0001 
 | o = 0x0002
 | s = 0x0003
 | z = 0x0004
 | j = 0x0005
 | l = 0x0006
 | t = 0x0007
type tetrimino = { position : int * int; mutable pattern  : tetType[][]; model : tetType;};;

module Tetrimino =

  let patterns (x:tetType) =
    let n = [||]
    let i =
      [| [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0; enum 0 |]
         [|      x;      x;      x;      x |]
         [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0; enum 0 |]
         [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0; enum 0 |] |]
    let o =
        [| [| x; x |]
           [| x; x |] |]
    let s =
      [| [| enum 0;      x;      x |]
         [|      x;      x; enum 0 |]
         [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0 |] |]
    let z =
      [| [|      x;      x; enum 0 |]
         [| enum 0;      x;      x |]
         [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0 |] |]
    let j =
      [| [|      x; enum 0; enum 0 |]
         [|      x;      x;      x |]
         [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0 |] |]
    let l =
      [| [| enum 0; enum 0;      x |]
         [|      x;      x;      x |]
         [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0 |] |]
    let t =
      [| [| enum 0;      x; enum 0 |]
         [|      x;      x;      x |]
         [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0 |] |]
    [| n; i; o; s; z; j; l; t;|]
  let create =
    let rand = new Random()
    fun () ->
      let t : tetType = enum (rand.Next(1, (Array.length (patterns tetType.n))))
      let pat = (patterns t).[int <| t]
      let row = Array.length pat
      let col = Array.length pat.[0]
        position = (3, 0)
        pattern  = pat
        model = t
  let getTetrimino = 
    let queue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<tetrimino>()
    fun() ->   
      match queue.Count with
       | 0 -> for i = 1 to 4 do
                queue.Enqueue(() |> create);
              let current = queue.Dequeue()
       | _ -> queue.Enqueue(() |> create)
              let current = queue.Dequeue()
  let convert ((source : 'a[][]),(t : 'b)) = 
    let row = Array.length source
    let col = source.GetLength(0)
    let arrayOf2D =   Array2.create row col t 
    for i = 0 to row - 1 do
      for j = 0 to col - 1 do
          arrayOf2D.[j,i] <- source.[i].[j]

  let rotate t =
    let newblock = {
      position = t.position
      pattern  = (patterns t.model).[int <| t.model]
      model = t.model 
    let pattern = convert (t.pattern, t.model) 
    let len = Array2.length1 pattern 
    for i = 0 to len - 1 do
     for j = 0 to len - 1 do
       newblock.pattern.[j].[i] <- pattern.[len - 1 - j,i]
  type Direction =
    | Right
    | Left
    | Down
  let move block direction =
    let x, y = block.position
    match direction with
    | Right -> { position = (x + 1, y); pattern = block.pattern; model = block.model; }
    | Left  -> { position = (x - 1, y); pattern = block.pattern; model = block.model; }
    | Down  -> { position = (x, y + 1); pattern = block.pattern; model = block.model; }


namespace TetrisLibrary

type TetrisGame = {
  size             : int
  width            : int
  height           : int
  mutable gameover : bool
  mutable score    : int
  mutable lines    : int
  mutable level    : int
  mutable current  : TetrisLibrary.tetrimino 
  mutable next     : TetrisLibrary.tetrimino array
  mutable field    : int[,]


namespace TetrisLibrary

open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Drawing2D 
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Linq

module Tetris =

  let select  f source = System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(source,new Func<_,_>(f))
  let where   f source = System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(source,new Func<_,_>(f))
  let orderBy f source = System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderBy(source,new Func<_,_>(f))
  let count   f source = System.Linq.Enumerable.Count(source,new Func<_,_>(f))
  let max (source:seq<int>) = System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(source)

  let brush t =
    match t with
     | tetType.n -> new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent)
     | tetType.i -> new SolidBrush(Color.Aqua)
     | tetType.o -> new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow)
     | tetType.s -> new SolidBrush(Color.Lime)
     | tetType.z -> new SolidBrush(Color.Red)
     | tetType.j -> new SolidBrush(Color.DodgerBlue)
     | tetType.l -> new SolidBrush(Color.Orange)
     | tetType.t -> new SolidBrush(Color.HotPink)
     | _ -> new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent)

  let draw (tetris : TetrisLibrary.TetrisGame) (g : Graphics) =
    let drawRect brush (x, y) =
      let size = tetris.size
      let pt = new Point( x * size, y * size )
      let rect = new Rectangle( pt, new Size( size - 2, size - 2 ) )
      g.FillRectangle( brush, rect )
    tetris.field |> Array2.iteri
      (fun i j t -> drawRect (brush (enum t)) (i, j))
    if tetris.gameover then
      let gp = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath()
      gp.AddString("GAME OVER", new FontFamily("メイリオ") , 0, 20.f, new PointF(5.f, 100.f), StringFormat.GenericDefault)
      g.FillPath(Brushes.Red, gp);
      g.DrawPath(Pens.White, gp);
      let x, y = tetris.current.position
      (tetris.current.pattern ,tetris.current.model) |> TetrisLibrary.Tetrimino.convert |> Array2.iteri
        (fun i j t -> drawRect (brush t) (x + i, y + j))
  //Next Tetrimino
  let drawNexTetrimino (tetris : TetrisLibrary.TetrisGame) (g : Graphics) (s : Size) (i : int) (size : int) =
    let drawSize (source : TetrisLibrary.tetType[][]) (t : TetrisLibrary.tetType) = 
      let g t= 
       let mutable count = 0
       for item in source do 
         if item.Contains(t) then
           count <- count + 1
           count <- count
      let h t = source.Count(fun x -> x.Contains(t)) 
                |> fun x -> if x <= 1 then x + (g t) else x
      let w = (source |> select (fun a -> a |> count(fun x -> x <> TetrisLibrary.tetType.n))) |> max 
      (w ,h t)
    let w,h = drawSize tetris.next.[i].pattern tetris.next.[i].model 
    let drawRect brush (x, y) =
      let sw = s.Width - w * size
      let sh = s.Height - h * size
      let pt = new Point( sw / 2 + x * size , sh / 2 + y * size)
      let rect = new Rectangle( pt, new Size(size - 2, size - 2))
      g.FillRectangle( brush, rect )

    (tetris.next.[i].pattern, tetris.next.[i].model) |> TetrisLibrary.Tetrimino.convert |> Array2.iteri
      (fun i j t -> drawRect (brush t) (i, j))

  // TetrisGameの生成
  let create size width height =
    let current,next = Tetrimino.getTetrimino()
       size = size
       width = width
       height = height
       gameover = false
       score = 0
       lines = 0
       level = 1
       current = current
       next = next
       field = Array2.create width height 0

  let detectCollision block field =
    let result = ref false
    let x, y = block.position
    (block.pattern, block.model) |> TetrisLibrary.Tetrimino.convert |> Array2.iteri
      (fun i j t ->
        match t with
         | tetType.n -> ()
         | _ ->
          let xi = x + i
          let yj = y + j
          if xi < 0 or xi >= Array2.length1 field or
             yj < 0 or yj >= Array2.length2 field or
             field.[xi, yj] <> 0 then result := true

  let judge tetris =
    let collapse () =
      let isFilledLine y =
        let mutable filled = true
        for x = 0 to tetris.width - 1 do
          if tetris.field.[x, y] = 0 then filled <- false
      let collapseLine y =
        for yy = y downto 1 do
          for x = 0 to tetris.width - 1 do
            tetris.field.[x, yy] <- tetris.field.[x, yy - 1]
      let mutable count = 0
      for y = tetris.height - 1 downto 0 do
        while isFilledLine y do
          collapseLine y
          count <- count + 1

    if not tetris.gameover then
      let moved = Tetrimino.move tetris.current Tetrimino.Down
      if detectCollision moved tetris.field then
        () |> fun () ->
          let x, y = tetris.current.position
          (tetris.current.pattern, tetris.current.model) |> TetrisLibrary.Tetrimino.convert |> Array2.iteri
            (fun i j t -> 
              match t with
               | tetType.n -> ()
               | _ -> tetris.field.[x + i, y + j] <- tetris.current.model |> int)
        let count = collapse()
        tetris.lines <- tetris.lines + count
        let lv = 
          let c = tetris.lines / 10 + 1
          if c >= 20 then 20
          else c
        tetris.level <- lv
        tetris.score <- tetris.score + count * count * 10
        let current,next = Tetrimino.getTetrimino()
        tetris.current <- current
        tetris.next  <- next
        tetris.current <- moved

      if detectCollision tetris.current tetris.field then
        tetris.gameover <- true

  let operate tetris keycode =
    let newblock =
      match keycode with
        | Keys.Up    | Keys.Space | Keys.NumPad8 | Keys.NumPad5 -> Some (Tetrimino.rotate tetris.current) 
        | Keys.Right | Keys.NumPad6 -> Some (Tetrimino.move tetris.current Tetrimino.Right)
        | Keys.Left  | Keys.NumPad4 -> Some (Tetrimino.move tetris.current Tetrimino.Left)
        | Keys.Down  | Keys.NumPad2 -> Some (Tetrimino.move tetris.current Tetrimino.Down)
        | _ -> None
    match newblock with
      | None   -> ()  //なんもせーへん
      | Some x ->
        if not (detectCollision x tetris.field) then
          tetris.current <- x


namespace TetrisLibrary
open System
open System.Drawing 
open System.Windows.Forms 

type ControlEx = 
    inherit Control
    new() as this = {inherit Control();} then
      this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer , true);
      this.DoubleBuffered <- true;
    override this.IsInputKey keyData =
      match keyData with
          | Keys.Left 
          | Keys.Up
          | Keys.Right
          | Keys.Down -> true
          | _ -> base.IsInputKey keyData



open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Drawing
open TetrisLibrary

let tetrismain =
  let tetris = Tetris.create 14 10 20

  let panel = 
    let c = new ControlEx()
    let w = tetris.size * tetris.width
    let h = tetris.size * tetris.height
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(2, 2)
    c.BackColor <- Color.Black

    let panel_Paint = 
      c.Paint |> Event.map(fun e -> Tetris.draw tetris e.Graphics)
    do panel_Paint 
      |> Event.listen(ignore)

    let panel_keyDown =
       c.KeyDown |> Event.map(fun e -> Tetris.operate tetris e.KeyCode; c.Invalidate();)
    do panel_Paint 
       |> Event.listen(ignore)

  let nextLabel = 
    let c = new Label()
    let w = tetris.size * 5
    let h = 15
    c.Text <- "NEXT"
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panel.Width + 4, 2)
    c.BorderStyle <- BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    c.TextAlign <- ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter 
    c.BackColor <- Color.Red 
    c.ForeColor <- Color.White 
    c.Font <- new Font(c.Font,FontStyle.Bold)
  let panelNext1 = 
    let c = new ControlEx()
    let w = tetris.size * 5
    let h = tetris.size * 5
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(nextLabel.Left, 2 + nextLabel.Height)
    c.BackColor <- Color.Black

    let panel_Paint =
        |> Event.map(fun e -> Tetris.drawNexTetrimino tetris e.Graphics c.Size 0 tetris.size)
    do panel_Paint 
       |> Event.listen(ignore)

  let panelNext2 = 
    let c = new ControlEx()
    let w = tetris.size / 2 * 5 - 1
    let h = tetris.size / 2 * 5
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panelNext1.Left, panelNext1.Top + panelNext1.Height + 2)
    c.BackColor <- Color.Black

    let panel_Paint =
        |> Event.map(fun e -> Tetris.drawNexTetrimino tetris e.Graphics c.Size 1 (tetris.size / 2))
    do panel_Paint 
       |> Event.listen(ignore)

  let panelNext3 = 
    let c = new ControlEx()
    let w = tetris.size / 2 * 5 - 1
    let h = tetris.size / 2 * 5
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panelNext2.Left + panelNext2.Width + 2, panelNext1.Top + panelNext1.Height + 2)
    c.BackColor <- Color.Black

    let panel_Paint =
        |> Event.map(fun e -> Tetris.drawNexTetrimino tetris e.Graphics c.Size 2 (tetris.size / 2))
    do panel_Paint 
       |> Event.listen(ignore)

  let linesLabel = 
    let c = new Label()
    let w = tetris.size * 5
    let h = 15
    c.Text <- "LINES"
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panelNext2.Left , panelNext2.Top + panelNext2.Height + 20)
    c.BorderStyle <- BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    c.TextAlign <- ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter 
    c.BackColor <- Color.Green
    c.ForeColor <- Color.White 
    c.Font <- new Font(c.Font,FontStyle.Bold)

  let lines = 
    let c = new Label()
    let w = tetris.size * 5
    let h = 15
    c.Text <- "0"
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panelNext2.Left , linesLabel.Top + linesLabel.Height)
    c.BorderStyle <- BorderStyle.FixedSingle 
    c.TextAlign <- ContentAlignment.MiddleRight 
    c.BackColor <- Color.Black 
    c.ForeColor <- Color.White 
    c.Font <- new Font(c.Font,FontStyle.Bold)

  let levelLabel = 
    let c = new Label()
    let w = tetris.size * 5
    let h = 15
    c.Text <- "LEVEL"
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panelNext2.Left , lines.Top + lines.Height + 4)
    c.BorderStyle <- BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    c.TextAlign <- ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter 
    c.BackColor <- Color.DodgerBlue 
    c.ForeColor <- Color.White 
    c.Font <- new Font(c.Font,FontStyle.Bold)
  let level = 
    let c = new Label()
    let w = tetris.size * 5
    let h = 15
    c.Text <- "1"
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panelNext2.Left , levelLabel.Top + levelLabel.Height)
    c.BorderStyle <- BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    c.TextAlign <- ContentAlignment.MiddleRight  
    c.BackColor <- Color.Black 
    c.ForeColor <- Color.White 
    c.Font <- new Font(c.Font,FontStyle.Bold)

  let scoreLabel = 
    let c = new Label()
    let w = tetris.size * 5
    let h = 15
    c.Text <- "SOCRE"
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panelNext2.Left , level.Top + level.Height + 4)
    c.BorderStyle <- BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    c.TextAlign <- ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter 
    c.BackColor <- Color.Orange
    c.ForeColor <- Color.White 
    c.Font <- new Font(c.Font,FontStyle.Bold)
  let score = 
    let c = new Label()
    let w = tetris.size * 5
    let h = 15
    c.Text <- "0"
    c.Size <- new Size(w, h)
    c.Location <- new Point(panelNext2.Left , scoreLabel.Top + scoreLabel.Height)
    c.BorderStyle <- BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    c.TextAlign <- ContentAlignment.MiddleRight  
    c.BackColor <- Color.Black 
    c.ForeColor <- Color.White 
    c.Font <- new Font(c.Font,FontStyle.Bold)
  let timer =
    let t = new System.Timers.Timer()
    t.Enabled <- true
    t.Interval <- 500.0 - (float tetris.level) * 20.0
    t.Elapsed.Add( fun _ ->
      lines.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(fun () -> 
                                     lines.Text <- string tetris.lines))
      |> ignore
      score.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(fun () -> 
                                     score.Text <- string tetris.score)) 
      |> ignore
      level.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(fun () -> 
                                     level.Text <- string tetris.level)) 
      |> ignore
      t.Interval <- 500.0 - (float tetris.level) * 20.0
      Tetris.judge tetris
      if tetris.gameover then t.Enabled <- false
  let form =
    let f = new Form()
    let w = panel.Width + panelNext1.Width + 6
    let h = panel.Height + 4

    let initTetris = fun () -> tetris.field <- Array2.create tetris.width tetris.height 0;
                               tetris.gameover <- false;
                               tetris.score <- 0;
                               tetris.lines <- 0;
                               tetris.level <- 1;
                               timer.Enabled <- true;
    f.Text <- "F#でテトリス"
    f.FormBorderStyle <- FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle 
    f.StartPosition <- FormStartPosition.CenterScreen 
    f.KeyPreview <- true
    f.ClientSize <- new Size(w, h) 

    let form_keyDown =
        |> Event.filter(fun _ -> not timer.Enabled)
        |> Event.filter(fun e -> match e.KeyCode with
                                   | Keys.Space -> true
                                   | _ -> false)
        |> Event.map(fun e ->
           match e.KeyCode with
            | Keys.Space  -> e
            | _ -> null)
    do form_keyDown 
       |> Event.listen(fun _ ->
                        let dr = MessageBox.Show(f,"Retry?",f.Text ,MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) 
                        match dr with
                         | DialogResult.Yes -> initTetris()
                         | _ -> ())
do Application.Run(tetrismain);;


