
とことんF#よぷよ! 第 63 回 CLR/H 勉強会で、F#とXNAを題材に発表します。

F# + XNAでとことんF#よぷよ!してみました

F# + XNAで「とことんぷよぷよ」っぽいものを実装してみました(はじめてのXNAゲームプログラミング)。

第 63 回 CLR/H 勉強会で、F#とXNAを題材にお話します。

日時 : 2011/10/15 (土) 13:30〜18:00(開場 13:00)
場所 : マイクロソフト北海道支店 セミナールーム (札幌市中央区北 5 条西 2 丁目 5 JR タワーオフィスプラザさっぽろ 20F)
参加費:500 円(会場費やお菓子代に使用させて頂きます)

とことんF#よぷよ! - F# + XNAによるゲームプログラミング入門 -

みんな大好き、落ち物パズルゲーム「ぷよぷよ」は今年で 20 周年を迎えました。
ぷよぷよ風落ち物パズルゲームの作り方と、関数型パラダイムを中心としたマルチパラダイム言語 F# による
XNA でのゲーム開発の基本についてお話します。
「ぷよぷよ風落ちゲーを 500 行程度で実装できる。そう、F# + XNA ならね!」


CLR/H 公式サイト

また、マイクロソフトエバンジェリストで、著作に「The root of .NET Framework」や「実践 F# 関数型プログラミング入門」などがある
荒井省三さんが、「DLR + ASync + アルファ」というタイトルで濃いセッションをしてくださいます。ぜひお越しください。




namespace PuyoPuyoLibrary
open System
type PuyoColors =
 | n = 0x00 | r = 0x01
 | y = 0x02 | p = 0x03
 | g = 0x04 | b = 0x05

type Union = 
  | None   = 0b0000 | Top    = 0b0001
  | Left   = 0b0010 | Bottom = 0b0100
  | Right  = 0b1000
type puyoObj = { position : int * int; pattern : PuyoColors[][]; color1: PuyoColors; color2: PuyoColors; hidden: bool; upside : bool}
type PuyoState = { pw : int; ph : int; width : int; height : int
                   gameover   : bool; pause : bool ;cheat : bool
                   totalScore : decimal; highScore : decimal; maxLevel : int
                   scoreBase  : int; magnifyingPower : int
                   rensa : int; union : int; colors : int; erased : int
                   current    : puyoObj; next : puyoObj array
                   field      : PuyoColors[,];  checkField : bool[,]
                   falling    : bool; allclear   : bool
                   etarget    : (int * int * PuyoColors) list} 

module PuyoPuyo =
  let patterns x y =
    [| [| enum 0;      x; enum 0; |]
       [| enum 0;      y; enum 0; |]
       [| enum 0; enum 0; enum 0; |] |]
  let none : PuyoColors [][] = [| [| |] |]
  let clearCheckField ps = { ps with checkField = Array2D.create ps.width ps.height false }
  let getLevel erased = erased / 40 |> fun x -> if x >= 999 then 999 else x + 1
  let create erased =
    let rand = new Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond)
    let create' = fun s e -> enum (rand.Next(s, e)), enum (rand.Next(s, e))
    fun () -> (if getLevel erased < 3 then (1,4) ||> create'
               elif getLevel erased < 5 then (1,5) ||> create'
               else (1,6) ||> create') ||> fun x y -> { position = (1, 0); pattern = patterns x y; color1 = x; color2 = y; hidden = false; upside = true }
  let getPuyoObj = 
    let queue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<puyoObj>()
    fun erased -> queue.Count |> function
       | 0 -> seq {1..3} |> Seq.iter (fun x -> queue.Enqueue ( () |> create erased))
       | _ -> queue.Enqueue(() |> create erased)
  let convert (source : PuyoColors [][]) = 
    (Array.length source, source.GetLength(0)) ||> fun row col -> Array2D.create row col PuyoColors.n |> fun array ->
    if source = none then array
    else seq { for i in 0..row - 1 do
               for j in 0..col - 1 do yield i,j } |> Seq.iter (fun (i,j) -> array.[j,i] <- source.[i].[j])

  type Direction = | Right | Left | Down
  let move ps direction = ps.current.position ||> fun x y -> direction |> function
    | Right -> { ps.current with position = x + 1, y }
    | Left  -> { ps.current with position = x - 1, y }
    | Down  -> { ps.current with position = x    , y + 1 } 

  let descend ps = ps.current.position ||> fun x y -> 
    if y + 1 < ps.height  then { ps.current with position = x, y + 1 }
    else ps.current 

  let rotate puyo action = convert puyo.pattern |> fun pattern ->
    let len = Array2D.length1 pattern 
    seq { for i in 0..len - 1 do
          for j in 0..len - 1 do
          yield i,j,len,pattern} |> Seq.iter action

  let avoidance ps exchange (c1,c2) = 
    let (|Insert|_|) c1 c2 ps = ps.current.position ||> fun x y ->
      let judge c f g=
        if (c <> PuyoColors.n && (x < 0 || (x >= 0 && (ps.field.[x,y] <> PuyoColors.n || ps.field.[x,y+1] <> PuyoColors.n)))) &&
           (c <> PuyoColors.n && (x+2 > ps.width - 1 || (x+2 <= ps.width - 1 && (ps.field.[x+2,y] <> PuyoColors.n || ps.field.[x+2,y+1] <> PuyoColors.n)))) then
        else g() 
      judge c1 (fun () -> Some ps.current) (fun () -> judge c2 (fun () -> Some ps.current) (fun () -> None))
    let (|CollideLeft|_|) c1 c2 ps = ps.current.position ||> fun x y ->  
      if (c1 <> PuyoColors.n || c2 <> PuyoColors.n) && (x < 0 || (x >= 0 && (ps.field.[x,y] <> PuyoColors.n || ps.field.[x,y+1] <> PuyoColors.n ))) then
        Some ps.current 
      else None
    let (|CollideRight|_|) c1 c2 ps = ps.current.position ||> fun x y ->  
      if (c1 <> PuyoColors.n || c2 <> PuyoColors.n) && 
        (x+2 > ps.width - 1 || (x+2 <= ps.width - 1 && (ps.field.[x+2,y] <> PuyoColors.n || ps.field.[x+2,y+1] <> PuyoColors.n))) then
        Some ps.current       
      else None
    ps |> function
    | Insert c1 c2  puyo -> puyo
    | CollideLeft c1 c2 puyo -> move ps Right |> rotate <| exchange
    | CollideRight c1 c2  puyo -> move ps Left |> rotate <| exchange
    | _ -> ps.current |> rotate <| exchange

  let target ps = ps.current.pattern.[2].[1], ps.current.pattern.[0].[1]
  let rotateR ps =
    if ps.current.pattern = none then ps.current 
      (fun (i,j,len,pattern:PuyoColors[,]) -> ps.current.pattern.[i].[j] <- pattern.[i,len - 1 - j])
      |> avoidance ps <| target ps

  let rotateL ps =
    if ps.current.pattern = none then ps.current 
      (fun (i,j,len,pattern:PuyoColors[,]) -> ps.current.pattern.[j].[i] <- pattern.[len - 1 - j,i])
      |> avoidance ps <| target ps

  let createState pw ph width height erased =
    let current,next = getPuyoObj erased
    { pw = pw; ph = ph; width = width; height = height; gameover = false; pause = false; cheat = false;
      totalScore = decimal 0; highScore = decimal 0; maxLevel = 0; scoreBase = 0; magnifyingPower = 0; rensa = 0; union = 0; colors = 0; erased = 0;
      current = current; next = next;  field = Array2D.create width height PuyoColors.n
      checkField = Array2D.create width height false;  falling = false; allclear = false; etarget = List.empty }

  let nextPuyo ps = if not ps.cheat then getPuyoObj ps.erased ||> fun current next -> {ps with current= current; next = next} 
                           else { ps with current = { position = (1, 0); pattern = patterns PuyoColors.p PuyoColors.y; color1 = PuyoColors.p; color2 = PuyoColors.y; hidden = false; upside = true }; next = ps.next }
  let reset ps = nextPuyo { ps with erased = 0 } |> fun ps -> nextPuyo ps |> fun ps -> nextPuyo ps |> fun ps -> 
    { ps with field = Array2D.create ps.width ps.height PuyoColors.n; checkField = Array2D.create ps.width ps.height false; etarget = List.empty 
              gameover = false; pause = false; cheat = false; totalScore = decimal 0; maxLevel = ps.maxLevel; highScore = ps.highScore;
              scoreBase = 0; magnifyingPower = 0; rensa = 0; union = 0; colors = 0; allclear = false }

  let cheat ps = Array2D.create ps.width ps.height PuyoColors.n |> fun newfield ->
    let dic = dict[0,[0;0;0;2;1;1];1,[1;2;0;3;2;3];2,[3;2;3;2;1;1];3,[1;2;3;2;1;3];4,[2;3;2;1;2;3];5,[3;2;1;2;1;3];6,[2;3;2;1;2;1];7,[2;3;2;1;2;1];8,[2;1;1;3;1;3];9,[1;2;3;2;3;3];10,[3;1;2;3;2;1];11,[3;1;2;3;2;1];12,[3;1;2;3;2;1]]
    for y in 0..ps.height - 1 do dic.[y] |> List.iteri (fun x c -> newfield.[x, y] <- enum c)
    nextPuyo { ps with field = newfield; cheat = true } 

  let detectCollision puyo field = 
    let result = ref false
    puyo.pattern |> convert |> Array2D.iteri
      (fun i j c -> c |> function
         | PuyoColors.n -> ()
         | _ -> puyo.position ||> fun x y -> (x + i,y + j) ||> fun xi yj ->
                if xi < 0 || xi >= Array2D.length1 field ||
                   yj < 0 || yj >= Array2D.length2 field ||
                   field.[xi, yj] <> PuyoColors.n then 
                   result := true); !result

  let getAllclearScore ps = if ps.field = Array2D.create ps.width ps.height PuyoColors.n |> not then decimal 0
                            else decimal 3600 + decimal (getLevel ps.erased * 5) 
  let getScore ps =
    let rensaBonus n = dict [1,0;2,8;3,16;4,32;5,64;6,96;7,128;8,160;9,192;10,224;11,256;12,288;13,320;14,352;15,388;16,416;17,448;18,480;19,512] |> fun dic -> if n > 19 then dic.[19]  else dic.[n]
    let unitBounus n = dict [4,0;5,2;6,3;7,4;8,5;9,6;10,7;] |> fun dic -> if n > 10 then 10 else dic.[n]
    let colursBounus n = dict [0,0;1,0;2,3;3,6;4,12;5,24] |> fun dic -> dic.[n]
    let a,b,c,d = ps.union * 10,rensaBonus ps.rensa,unitBounus ps.union,colursBounus ps.colors // 基本得点,連鎖ボーナス,連結ボーナス,複色ボーナス
    b + c + d |> fun x -> if x = 0 then a,1 else a,x

  let fixed' ps = ps.current.pattern |> convert |> fun c ->
    seq { for i in 0..Array2D.length1 c - 1 do 
          for j in 0..Array2D.length2 c - 1 do
          c.[i,j] |> function
          | PuyoColors.n -> ()
          | _ -> ps.current.position ||> fun x y -> ps.field.[x + i, y + j] <- ps.current.pattern.[j].[i] } |> Seq.iter id
    { ps with current = {ps.current with hidden = true }; falling = true }

  let fall ps =
    seq { for x in 0..ps.width-1 do
          for y in [ps.height-1 .. -1 .. 0] do
          if ps.field.[x,y] = PuyoColors.n then
            for z in (y-1) .. -1 .. 0 do                                 
            if ps.field.[x,z] > PuyoColors.n then
              ps.field.[x,z+1] <- ps.field.[x,z]
              ps.field.[x,z] <- PuyoColors.n
              yield z } |> Seq.length 

  let erase ps = 
    let erase' x y ps = 
      if ps.field.[x,y] = PuyoColors.n then None
        let result, list = ref 1, ref [x,y]
        let rec search x y result = 
          ps.checkField.[x,y] <- true
          let search' x y retsult f g predicate = 
            if predicate (f x) (g y) ps && 
                ps.checkField.[f x, g y] <> true &&
                ps.field.[f x, g y] = ps.field.[x,y] then 
              result := !result + 1
              list := !list@[f x, g y] 
              search (f x) (g y) result 
          search' x y result (fun x -> x+1) id (fun x y ps -> x < ps.width)
          search' x y result id (fun y -> y+1) (fun x y ps -> y < ps.height)
          search' x y result (fun x -> x-1) id (fun x y ps -> x > 0)
          search' x y result id (fun y -> y-1) (fun x y ps -> y > 0)
        search x y result
        if !result >= 4 then 
          List.map (fun (x,y) -> x,y,ps.field.[x,y] )!list |> Some
        else None
    seq { for x in 0..ps.width-1 do
          for y in ps.height-1 .. -1 .. 0 do
          let ecount = erase' x y (clearCheckField ps) |> function
            |Some x -> x
            | _ -> []
          yield! ecount } |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.toList 
    |> fun etarget -> let colors = List.map (fun (x,y,_) -> ps.field.[x,y]) etarget |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.toList 
                      etarget,List.length etarget, List.length colors, { ps with current = { ps.current with pattern = none } }

  let getUnion ps x y = 
    if x < 0 || x > ps.width - 1 || y > ps.height - 1 || ps.field.[x,y] = PuyoColors.n then Union.None
      let rise ps x y =  [y..(ps.height-1)] |> List.exists (fun y -> ps.field.[x,y] = PuyoColors.n)
      let lrunion n b f add = 
        if b || (ps.field.[f x,y] = ps.field.[x,y] &&
                 (y = ps.height - 1 
                 || (y < ps.height - 1 && (rise ps x y |> not && rise ps (f x) y |> not))
                 || (y < ps.height - 1 && (rise ps x y && rise ps (f x) y )))) |> not then n
        else add n
      let left n = lrunion n (x = 0) (fun x -> x - 1) ((+) Union.Left)
      let right n = lrunion n (x >= ps.width - 1) ((+) 1) ((+) Union.Right) 
      let tbunion n f g c = if f || ps.field.[x,g y] = ps.field.[x,y] |> not then n else n + c
      let top n = tbunion n (y = 0) (fun y -> y - 1) Union.Top
      let bottom n = tbunion n (y >= ps.height - 1) (fun y -> y + 1) Union.Bottom
      Union.None |> (top >> left >> right >> bottom)


namespace FSharpyopuyo
open System
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open Microsoft.Xna.Framework
open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio
open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input
open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage
open PuyoPuyoLibrary

type SaveGameData = { [<field:DataMember(Name="MaxLevel")>] MaxLevel : int; [<field:DataMember(Name="HighScore")>] HighScore : decimal }

type PuyoGame () as this = 
  inherit Game()
  let gametitle, gmanager, sprite = "とことんF#よぷよ!", new GraphicsDeviceManager(this), lazy new SpriteBatch(this.GraphicsDevice)
  let mutable ps = PuyoPuyo.createState 32 32 6 13 0 
  let slowTimelag,fastTimelag, fps = 350.,230.,60.
  let backgroundTexture,puyoTexture,blinkTexture,gameoverTexture,allclearTexture,carbancleTexture,suketoudaraTexture = 
    |> List.map (fun name -> lazy this.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Content\image\" + name)) |> function 
    | a::b::c::d::e::f::g::[] -> a,b,c,d,e,f,g | _ -> invalidArg "tlist" "リストの長さが違うよ。"
  let font = lazy this.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\font\SpriteFont1")
  let gameSe = ["move";"rotate";"drop";"batanQ";"allclear";"pafu";] |> List.map 
                (fun name -> this.Content.Load<SoundEffect>(@"Content\sound\" + name).CreateInstance() |> fun x -> x.Volume <- 0.3f; lazy x)
  let chainSe = [1..19] |> List.map (fun i -> this.Content.Load<SoundEffect>(@"Content\sound\chain" + if i > 7  then string 7 else string i).CreateInstance() |> fun x -> x.Volume <- 0.3f; lazy x)
  let chainVoice = [1..19] |> List.map (fun i -> this.Content.Load<SoundEffect>(@"Content\sound\chainvoice" + if i > 5 then string 5 else string i).CreateInstance() |> fun x -> x.Volume <- 0.3f; lazy x)
  let bgm = (this.Content.Load<SoundEffect>(@"Content\sound\MorningOfPuyoPuyo").CreateInstance() |> fun x -> x.Volume <- 0.2f; x.IsLooped <- true; lazy x)

  let soundPlay (se:Lazy<SoundEffectInstance>) = se.Force().Play()
  let checkPauseKey  = 
    let keyWait, pauseKeyDown, pauseTimelag =  ref 0., ref false, 700.
    (fun () -> if not ps.gameover then
                 keyWait := !keyWait + fps
                 if ps.pause && !keyWait > pauseTimelag && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.F12) then 
                      ps <- PuyoPuyo.cheat ps;
                 if !keyWait > pauseTimelag && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.P) && !pauseKeyDown then 
                   gameSe.[5] |> soundPlay; bgm |> soundPlay; ps <- { ps with pause = false }; pauseKeyDown := false
                 elif !keyWait > pauseTimelag &&  Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.P) && not !pauseKeyDown then 
                   gameSe.[5] |> soundPlay; bgm.Force().Stop(); ps <- { ps with pause = true }; pauseKeyDown := true 
                 if !keyWait > pauseTimelag then keyWait := 0.)
  let operateKeys = 
    let keyWait = ref 0.
    (fun () -> 
      keyWait := !keyWait + fps
      let operateKey key = 
        if not ps.gameover then
            key |> function
            | Keys.Z | Keys.Space | Keys.NumPad8 when !keyWait > slowTimelag -> 
              gameSe.[1] |> soundPlay; Some (PuyoPuyo.rotateL ps)
            | Keys.X | Keys.Up | Keys.NumPad5 when !keyWait > slowTimelag ->
              gameSe.[1] |> soundPlay; Some (PuyoPuyo.rotateR ps)
            | Keys.Right | Keys.NumPad6  when !keyWait > slowTimelag -> 
              gameSe.[0] |> soundPlay; Some (PuyoPuyo.move ps PuyoPuyo.Right)
            | Keys.Left  | Keys.NumPad4  when !keyWait > slowTimelag -> 
              gameSe.[0] |> soundPlay; Some (PuyoPuyo.move ps PuyoPuyo.Left)
            | Keys.Down  | Keys.NumPad2  when !keyWait > fastTimelag -> 
              if ps.current.hidden |> not then ps <- { ps with totalScore = (+) ps.totalScore <| decimal 1 }
              Some (PuyoPuyo.move ps PuyoPuyo.Down)
            | Keys.Escape -> this.Exit(); None
            | _ -> None
            key |> function
            | Keys.Enter -> ps <- PuyoPuyo.reset ps; bgm |> soundPlay; None
            | Keys.Escape -> this.Exit(); None
            | _ -> None
        |> function 
          | Some x -> if not (PuyoPuyo.detectCollision x ps.field) then
                        ps <- { ps with current = x }
          | None -> ()
      let resetWait () = if !keyWait > slowTimelag then keyWait := 0.
      Keyboard.GetState().GetPressedKeys() |> Array.toList |> List.sort |> List.rev |> function
      | [x] -> operateKey x; resetWait ()
      | [x;y] -> operateKey x; operateKey y; resetWait ()
      | [x;y;z] | x::y::z::_  -> operateKey x; operateKey y; operateKey z; resetWait ()
      | _ -> () ) 

  let blink = let blinkWait, blink = ref 0., ref false
              fun () -> if ps.pause then !blink else
                        blinkWait := !blinkWait + fps
                        if !blinkWait > 5. * fps then blink := not !blink; blinkWait := 0.

  let saveFilename = "puyosys.sav"
  let saveStorage (device:StorageDevice) (level:int) score = 
    let result = device.BeginOpenContainer(gametitle, null, null)
    if result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() then
      use container = device.EndOpenContainer(result)
      if container <> null then
        if (container.FileExists(saveFilename)) then
        use stream = container.CreateFile(saveFilename)
        let serializer = DataContractSerializer(typeof<SaveGameData>)
        serializer.WriteObject(stream , { MaxLevel = level; HighScore = score })
  let loadStorage (device:StorageDevice) = 
    let result = device.BeginOpenContainer(gametitle, null, null)
    let level,highscore = ref 1, decimal 0 |> ref
    if result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() then
      use container = device.EndOpenContainer(result)
      if container <> null && container.FileExists(saveFilename) then
        use stream = container.OpenFile(saveFilename, System.IO.FileMode.Open )
        let serializer = DataContractSerializer(typeof<SaveGameData>)
        let data = serializer.ReadObject(stream) :?> SaveGameData
        level := data.MaxLevel; highscore := data.HighScore 
    !level, !highscore

  let drawPuyo (c:PuyoColors, x, y, ((i, j) as point)) (location:Vector2) rect hw =
    let fx,fy = float32 (x+i), float32 (y+j)
    let lx,ly = float32 location.X, float32 location.Y 
    let draw f = sprite.Force().Draw(puyoTexture.Force(), Vector2(32.f * fx + lx,32.f * fy + ly |> f),  Nullable rect, Color.White)
                 if point = (1,1) then 
                   let texture = if blink () then blinkTexture.Force() else puyoTexture.Force() 
                   sprite.Force().Draw(texture, Vector2(32.f * fx + lx,32.f * fy + ly |> f),  Nullable rect, Color.White)
    c |> function
      | PuyoColors.n -> () 
      | _ ->  if hw && ps.current.upside then (fun x -> x - 16.f) |> draw else draw id 

  let uncoupling c adjustx = Rectangle(0, ps.ph * (int c - 1), ps.pw / adjustx, ps.ph)
  let drawText (msg:string) (v:Vector2) c = sprite.Force() |> function
    | x -> font.Force() |> fun font -> [font, msg, Vector2(v.X+3.f,v.Y+3.f), Color.Black; font, msg, v, c ] 
                                       |> List.iter (fun (font, msg, v, c) ->  x.DrawString(font, msg, v, c))
  let drawLiteral () = 
    ["NEXT",Vector2(240.f, 34.f),Color.MediumSpringGreen; "LEVEL",Vector2(240.f, 322.f),Color.MediumSpringGreen; "SC.",Vector2(32.f, 420.f),Color.HotPink; 
     "HSC.",Vector2(32.f, 2.f),Color.Orange; "MLV.",Vector2(230.f, 2.f),Color.Orange] |> List.iter (fun (s,v,c) -> drawText s v c)
  let drawScoreAndLevel () = 
    seq { yield ((PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased |> string).PadLeft(3,'0')), Vector2(255.f, 356.f), Color.HotPink 
          if ps.totalScore < ps.highScore then 
            yield string ps.highScore |> fun s -> s, Vector2(224.f - font.Force().MeasureString(s).X, 2.f), Color.Orange
          else yield string ps.totalScore |> fun s ->  s, Vector2(224.f - font.Force().MeasureString(s).X, 2.f) , Color.Orange
          if ps.etarget = List.empty then 
            yield string ps.totalScore |> fun s -> s, Vector2(224.f - font.Force().MeasureString(s).X, 420.f), Color.HotPink
          else yield string ps.scoreBase + "×" + (string ps.magnifyingPower).PadLeft(4,' ') 
                     |> fun s -> s, Vector2(224.f - font.Force().MeasureString(s).X, 420.f), Color.SkyBlue 
          if (PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased) < ps.maxLevel then
            yield (string ps.maxLevel).PadLeft(3,'0') , Vector2(280.f , 2.f), Color.Orange
          else yield (PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased |> string).PadLeft(3,'0') , Vector2(280.f , 2.f), Color.Orange }
    |> Seq.iter (fun (s,v,c) -> drawText s v c)

  let drawField = 
    let gameoverWait = ref 0.
    (fun location () ->
    let unit ps x y (c:PuyoColors) adjustx = 
      PuyoPuyo.getUnion ps x y |> fun r -> Convert.ToInt32(r |> int |> string) 
      |> fun x -> Rectangle(ps.pw * x,ps.ph * (int c - 1), ps.pw / adjustx, ps.ph)
    ps.field |> Array2D.iteri (fun i j c -> if j > 0 then drawPuyo(c, i, j, (0, 0)) location (unit ps i j c 1) false)
    if ps.gameover then
      sprite.Force().Draw(gameoverTexture.Force(), Vector2(50.f,400.f - float32 !gameoverWait / 40.f), Color(255, 255, 255, 128))
      if !gameoverWait <= 12000. then 
        gameSe.[3] |> soundPlay 
        gameoverWait := !gameoverWait + fps * 3.
        ["つづける:Enter",10.f;"やめる:Esc",50.f] |> List.iter (fun (msg,y) -> drawText msg <| Vector2(45.f, 160.f + y) <| Color.Gold)
      gameoverWait := 0.
      if ps.current.hidden |> not then
        ps.current.position ||> fun x y ->
        (ps.current.pattern) |> PuyoPuyoLibrary.PuyoPuyo.convert |> Array2D.iteri 
          (fun i j c -> if y + j > 0 then drawPuyo(c, x , y, (i, j)) location (uncoupling c 1) true)
        sprite.Force().Draw(backgroundTexture.Force(), Vector2(0.f,0.f),Nullable(Rectangle(0,0,256,32)), Color.White)) <| Vector2(32.f, 0.f) 

  let drawErase = 
    let animeWait = ref 0.
    (fun f (location:Vector2) () ->
      if ps.etarget <> List.empty then
        animeWait := !animeWait + fps
        let draw union = List.iter (fun (x,y,c) -> if y > 0 then drawPuyo(c, x, y, (0, 0)) location (Rectangle(ps.pw * union ,ps.ph * (int c - 1), ps.pw, ps.ph)) false) ps.etarget
        if !animeWait < 780. then draw 16 elif !animeWait < 1560. then draw 17
        else animeWait := 0.; f()) <| (fun () -> ps <- { ps with etarget = List.empty }) <| Vector2(32.f, 0.f)

  let drawAnimation (texture:Lazy<Texture2D>) width hight max vector = 
    let animeWait, counter = ref 0., ref 0
    (fun (location:Vector2) () -> 
      animeWait := !animeWait + fps
      if !animeWait > 780. - (30. * float (PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased + 1)) then 
        animeWait := 0.; 
        if not ps.pause then incr counter  
      sprite.Force().Draw(texture.Force(), location, Nullable (Rectangle(width * !counter,0,width,hight)),  Color.White)
      if !counter = max then   counter := 0) <| vector
  let drawCarbancle = drawAnimation <| carbancleTexture <| 25 <| 25 <| 37 <| Vector2(260.f,388.f)
  let drawSukesoudara = drawAnimation <| suketoudaraTexture <| 72 <| 54 <| 10 <| Vector2(236.f,228.f)

  let drawNext () = 
    let drawPuyo' pattern location adjustx =  pattern |> PuyoPuyoLibrary.PuyoPuyo.convert |> Array2D.iteri
                                               (fun i j c -> drawPuyo (c, 1, j, (0, 0)) location (uncoupling c adjustx) false)
    Vector2(224.f, 96.f) |> fun location -> [ps.next.[0].pattern, location, 1; ps.next.[1].pattern, (Vector2(location.X + 32.f, location.Y + 32.f)), 2] 
      |> List.iter (fun (p,v,a) ->  drawPuyo' p v a) 

  let drawAllClear () = if ps.allclear then sprite.Force().Draw(allclearTexture.Force(), Vector2(45.f,50.f),  Color.White)
  let drawPause () = if ps.pause then drawText "PAUSE" <| Vector2(96.f,150.f) <| Color.Gold 
  let drawRensa = 
    let rensaWait, rensaCount = ref 0., ref 0 
    (fun () -> if ps.pause |> not then rensaWait := !rensaWait + fps * 1.5
               if ps.rensa > 0 && !rensaWait < 25. * fps then
                 (3,7) ||> fun x y -> drawText (string ps.rensa + "れんさ") <| Vector2(32.f * float32 x, 32.f * float32 y - float32(!rensaWait / 40.)) <| Color.HotPink 
               if ps.rensa <> !rensaCount && !rensaWait > 50. * fps then
                 rensaCount := ps.rensa; rensaWait := 0. )
  let save () = 
    let save maxLevel highScore = 
      let result = StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(PlayerIndex.One, null, null)
      let device = StorageDevice.EndShowSelector(result)
      saveStorage device maxLevel highScore 
      ps <- { ps with maxLevel = maxLevel; highScore = highScore }
    let maxlevelAndHighScore () = if PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased > ps.maxLevel then PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased else ps.maxLevel 
                                , if ps.totalScore > ps.highScore then ps.totalScore else ps.highScore
    if PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased > ps.maxLevel || ps.totalScore > ps.highScore then
      maxlevelAndHighScore () ||> fun maxLevel highScore -> save maxLevel highScore

  let update = 
    let updateWait, updateTimelag = ref 0., ref (72. * fps + (15. * float (PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased)))
    let chain = 
      (fun cont ->
        if ps.etarget = List.empty && PuyoPuyo.fall ps > 0 then
          ps <- { ps with falling = true }
          updateTimelag := 24. * fps + (15. * float (PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased + 1))
          PuyoPuyo.erase ps |> function
          | etarget,union,colors,newps when union <= 0 -> 
            ps <- { newps with rensa = 0; union = union; colors = colors } 
            PuyoPuyo.getAllclearScore ps |> fun z -> 
            if z > decimal 0 then
              gameSe.[4] |> soundPlay
              ps <- { ps with totalScore = (z |> fun x -> x + ps.totalScore); allclear = true }
            ps <- { ps with falling = false }
            cont ()
            if PuyoPuyo.detectCollision ps.current ps.field then
              ps <- { ps with gameover = true } ; save()
            updateTimelag := 72. * fps + (15. * float (PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased))
          | etarget,union,colors,newps -> 
            List.iter (fun (x,y,_) -> ps.field.[x,y] <- PuyoColors.n) etarget
            async { newps.rensa |> (fun x -> if x > 19 then chainVoice.[19] else chainVoice.[x]) |> soundPlay } |> Async.Start
            async { newps.rensa |> (fun x -> if x > 19 then chainSe.[19] else chainSe.[x]) |> soundPlay } |> Async.Start
            ps <- { newps with rensa = newps.rensa + 1; union = union; colors = colors; erased = newps.erased + union; cheat = false }
            let scoreBase,magnifyingPower = PuyoPuyo.getScore ps
            ps <- { ps with totalScore = decimal (scoreBase * magnifyingPower) + ps.totalScore; 
                            allclear = false; etarget = etarget; scoreBase = scoreBase; magnifyingPower = magnifyingPower })
    fun () -> updateWait := !updateWait + fps + (15. * float (PuyoPuyo.getLevel ps.erased))
              if !updateWait > !updateTimelag then
                updateWait := 0.
                let puyo = PuyoPuyo.descend ps
                if PuyoPuyo.detectCollision puyo ps.field |> not then
                  ps <- { ps with current = puyo }
                if ps.falling && ps.etarget = List.empty then
                    chain (fun () -> ps <- PuyoPuyo.nextPuyo ps)
              if !updateWait < 36. * fps then ps <- { ps with current = { ps.current with upside = true } } 
              else ps <- { ps with current = { ps.current with upside = false } }
    this.Window.Title <- gametitle
    (320,448) ||> fun x y -> gmanager.PreferredBackBufferWidth <- x ; gmanager.PreferredBackBufferHeight <- y
    this.TargetElapsedTime <- TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0 / fps)

  override thi.Initialize() = base.Initialize() |> fun _ ->
    let result = StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(PlayerIndex.One, null, null)
    let device = StorageDevice.EndShowSelector(result)
    loadStorage device ||> fun maxLevel highScore -> ps <- { ps with maxLevel = maxLevel; highScore = highScore }
    bgm |> soundPlay

  override this.Update(gameTime) = 
    checkPauseKey ()
    if ps.pause |>  not then
      base.Update gameTime
      [operateKeys;update] |> List.iter (fun f -> f ())
      if not ps.gameover then
        if PuyoPuyo.detectCollision (PuyoPuyo.descend ps) ps.field then
          if not ps.falling then 
            gameSe.[2] |> soundPlay; ps <- PuyoPuyo.fixed' ps
        elif ps.current.pattern = PuyoPuyo.none && not ps.falling then 
             ps <- PuyoPuyo.nextPuyo ps

  override this.Draw(gameTime) = base.Draw gameTime |> fun _ ->
    sprite.Force().Begin ()
    sprite.Force().Draw(backgroundTexture.Force(), Vector2.Zero, Color.White)
    [drawAllClear;drawField;drawNext;drawSukesoudara;drawCarbancle;drawErase;drawRensa;drawLiteral;drawScoreAndLevel;drawPause] |> List.iter (fun f -> f())
    sprite.Force().End ()

  override this.EndRun () = base.EndRun(); save()

module Program =
  let main (args : string[]) = use game = new PuyoGame() in game.Run(); 0
